We save you time and money by preparing your materials for print or replication and having the job done in the city you're meeting in. No more worries about deadlines and freight costs!
Options has a team of highly experienced professionals in the print and media communications industry who strive
to take the mystery and hassle out of this laborious process. By having Options manage the production of meeting materials
our clients gain maximum flexibility with regards to schedule, cost efficient change-making ability, and the total
elimination of freight costs by not having to ship the materials across country. We handle the job from proofing through delivery using
our extensive relationship with printers in major convention cities throughout the United States. We offer the following:
- A dedicated Project Manager for every job
- File management services including pre-flight analysis
- A print-quality proof prior to each job
- Delivery of final product to meeting site or convention floor
- A secure custom library for archiving all digital files unique to each customer
- Ability to provide "print to order" books for non-attendees
- Extending the life of the book or document forever
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